모바일 메뉴

고양이동물병원 백산동물병원

[ 동물병원 전용메뉴 ]

진료의뢰 및 CT촬영 의뢰 안내

[ 고양이 학교 ]

백산 아카데미 신청접수

모든 진료는 예약제로 진행됩니다.
  • 1644-5653
  • 연중무휴 24시간
    일반 진료: AM 9:30 ~ PM 19:00
    응급 진료: PM 19:00 ~ AM 9:00


    • Information for foreigners(English guide) - Baeksan Feline Medical Center


      Information for foreigners

      (English guide)



      For the convenience and easy treatment of foreigners, we are traslating all information and the charts into English. There is a doctor who speaks English, so that you can receive medical treatment more convenient.

      We are trying to traslate other information that we haven't done yet as soon as possible.

      We will be the feline medical center where tries our best to keep your companion healthy

      If you call hospital, there could be an waiting time to connect you to the person who can speak English


      address: 22, Nonhyeon-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

      Consultation & Reservation: 1644-5653







